Ever increasing energy bills, the need to reduce the impact on our environment by cutting down carbon emissions, and tough legislations are driving every UK house owner to rethink the way their homes are heated.
Household Air Conditioning in Greater London
Call Baseline UK for a free consultation in Middlesex and across Greater London. We have the expertise to offer you energy efficient and cost-effective heating solutions for your home, thus helping you to save on your running costs and reduce your carbon emissions.
Renewable Heating for UK Homes
A Great Way to Heat your Home
Of the total energy consumed in our homes, more than 75% is used for space heating and hot water. Increasing tough legislation is driving the demand for improving the energy efficiency in UK homes, benefiting the homeowners looking for a more ene srgy efficient and economical way of heating their homes.
Renewable Heating
Also, the UK government is committed to reducing CO2 emissions by 80% from 1990 levels by 2050 and 34% by 2020. To achieve these ambitious targets, tougher legislations are in place, which is pushing us to use renewable energy sources for heating.
Get in touch today!
Call Baseline for a free consultation in Middlesex and across Greater London. We have the expertise to offer you energy efficient and cost-effective heating solutions for your home, thus helping you to save on your running costs and reduce your carbon emissions.